love you', and her photograph. She was & beautiful woman! Not quite as masculine as Stephen in 'The Well of Loneliness'. Perhaps you can try to find the books through Meyer Loshak & Son, Ltd., Dedham, Colchester, Essex, England. I have seen interesting lists; perhaps they can find it for you."
"I love her' I liked very much."
"I like your Jo Allyn!"
very good!
"And the article defending the editor of THE LADDER And Miss Martin's poems unfortunately I do not 'get all'. There are terms I understand only by imagination, not by reason. Poetry in another language this is always difficult.
"But of all Lesbian writing during the last years I found the American in THE LADDER most straight, most clear and clean. This I say not to 'give you a sweet'.'
Certainly Miss B has made friends of us all.
The editor of THE LADDER would like to exténd to her an invitation to become our first European correspondent. We think there is a great need for international cooperation and understanding.
Inserted in this month's LADDER is a sociological questionnaire sponsored by the Daughters of Bilitis, Inc.
This is the first step in a research program which will, we hope, enable us to publish information dealing with the common, garden variety Lesbian rather than the extreme examples which permeate most of the literature extant on the subject today.
We hope that you will fill out the questionnaire and send it in promptly. We hope, too, that you will tell your friends about it and send in for additional copies.